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Greek Resources
Helpful Tools
Stellar Greek resources are hard to find, so I’ve collected for you some of my favorites.
The Daily Dose of Greek
My name is Rob Plummer, and I am a New Testament professor at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. DailyDoseofGreek.com provides ongoing accountability to busy pastors and other Christians, helping them to read the Greek New Testament daily and progress in their Greek skills. Don’t yet have the 2-minute video waiting for you in your Inbox every morning?
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What People Say.
Rob Plummer’s Daily Dose of Greek is a great way to keep up your New Testament Greek.
I am so very grateful that not only is my familiarity with vocabulary and grammar being intensified, but my hunger is being deepened, my nostalgia fed and watered, and the muscular tone of my competence, more finely contoured.
Andrew J. W. Smith, SBTS Article

Jim Hamilton, For His Renown Article
Trevin Wax, The Gospel Coalition Interview
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