Hebrew & Greek for Life
In this forthcoming conference Dr. Rob Plummer, Dr. Adam Howell, and several other professors will guide Christians as they utilize the biblical languages for life and ministry. Join us in Louisville!
Conference Information
July 25–26, 12:30pm
The Use of Biblical Languages in Ministry & Devotion
All 200 attendees will receive a conference bag of books at the first session.
Southern Seminary Alumni: $10
Outside Guests: $85
All tickets include Lunch on Saturday
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.
Registration Limit
With space limitations, the conerence is limited to 200 guests. Secure your spot today.
Review Classes
Participants are encouraged to attend Dr. Plummer’s Greek review course or Dr. Howell’s Hebrew review course held on campus at SBTS, July 21 – 25, 2023. Enroll here for $75. Find more information on this below.
Greek & Hebrew Review Classes
Enrollment not included in Eventbrite ticket purchase
Along with the Friday – Saturday Academy, participants are encouraged to attend Dr. Plummer’s Greek review course or Dr. Howell’s Hebrew review course held on campus at SBTS, July 21 – 25, 2023. (Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. & Friday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.)
This course will give attendees even more time to review Greek or Hebrew grammar and reading. The cost of the refresher course is $75 for all participants (includes application fee).
If you are interested in participating in this class option, please see enrollment options below. If you plan to attend both the conferance and the review course, be sure to enroll in both.
- Non – SBTS Students or Alumni not active on the my.sbts portal: ENROLL HERE
- Currently enrolled SBTS Students: Enroll through the portal on my.sbts.edu
For any enrollment questions, please email [email protected].