Helping you read your way through the Greek New Testament in just 2 minutes per verse.
The Importance of Reading the NT in Greek, by Dr. Matt Sliger
In this weekend edition we hear from Dr. Matt Sliger on the importance of reading the New Testament in the original language. Dr. Sliger is Senior Pastor of South Woods Baptist Church, Memphis, TN, and Adjunct Greek Instructor at Bethlehem College and Seminary. ...
Sermon Preparation in the GNT from Dr. Michael A. Cox
In this weekend edition, Dr. Michael A. Cox, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church, Pryor, Oklahoma (USA), shares his method of studying the Greek New Testament for sermon preparation. His personal website makes freely available all his Greek spreadsheets and...
More Greek, Not Less
More Greek, Not Less In this short video, Dr. Plummer shares why today’s ministry students need “more Greek, not less” in their educational programs. https://vimeo.com/476504541 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/JdyXsrvzuaU
Greek and Hebrew Testimonials
Greek and Hebrew Testimonials This weekend edition was originally created for financial donors to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The 10-minute video has testimonials from alumni to help seminary supporters understand the importance of biblical languages in...
Free Biblical Language Resources
In this weekend edition, we feature an overview video from Jonathan Ahlgren about free language learning resources including the Daily Dose websites and Aleph with Beth. Jonathan Ahlgren is a Ph.D. student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. ...
Mohler interviews Plummer about the Daily Dose of Greek
In this weekend edition, Dr. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY, interviews Dr. Rob Plummer about the Daily Dose of Greek. https://vimeo.com/542598457 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/Oxzh9QBaE3o?t=1195
Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek
Do you ever run across a Greek grammatical term you don’t know and wish you had a compact dictionary of such words? Fear not! Buy The Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek, by Matthew S. DeMoss. https://vimeo.com/419296236/bdfe023f0c ...
Bible App by Olive Tree
Bible App by Olive Tree In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer discusses his preferred way of reading the Greek New Testament in the early morning… via the Bible App by Olive Tree. https://vimeo.com/423001191 YouTube Video: ...
Randy Leedy, NT Greek Guy: Free PowerPoint Diagramming Environment
Randy Leedy, NT Greek Guy: Free PowerPoint Diagramming Environment Video includes discount codes for the BibleWorks Greek NT sentence diagrams, now available in PDF form. Vimeo Video: https://vimeo.com/422979111 YouTube Video:...
MasterGreek website – Free Parsing Practice!
MasterGreek website – Free Parsing Practice! In this brief weekend edition, Dr. Plummer introduces a free Greek website to help you (or your students) practice parsing. This video is a rerun. Vimeo Video: https://vimeo.com/147886901 YouTube Video:...
Devotional Reading of the Greek New Testament
In today’s weekend video, New Zealander Darryl Burling of MasterNTGreek.com discusses the benefits of reading the Greek New Testament devotionally. Darryl also kindly gives a shout-out to Greek for Life: Strategies for Learning, Retaining, and Reviving New Testament...
Greek Reading Partnerships
Do you wish you had an accountability partner to help you progress in your reading of the Greek New Testament? Perhaps you will be inspired to hear the testimony of Chris Wells, a pastor in rural Alabama, who leverages technology to read the GNT weekly with a...
New Website: Daily Dose of Greek in Spanish!
Today we are happy to announce the official release of our new website: dosisdiariadegriego.com, the Spanish counterpart to dailydoseofgreek.com. Our Spanish email list has already received a huge amount of support and interest. It is our prayer that this expansion of...
Greek Exegesis of James online M.Div. Course
In the Fall of 2019, Dr. Plummer will be teaching an 8-week (Oct 7 – Dec 1) online course, the Greek Exegesis of James, through Southern Seminary. In today’s 90-second video, Dr. Plummer shares about his vision for the course. This class is a 3 credit hour...
Pastor Phillip Henry Greek Testimony
In today’s weekend edition, New Jersey Pastor Phillip Henry (PCA) shares about his experience of taking the Greek Review course with Dr. Plummer in January of 2017. Dr. Plummer will teach the class again, January 7-11, 2019. During the same week, a Hebrew Review...
Ryan Fullerton Greek Testimony
In today’s weekend edition, Pastor Ryan Fullerton tells his “Greek Story” and encourages other pastors to revive their Greek by taking the Greek Review class in Louisville, Ky, January 7-11, 2018. For more information, email [email protected] or see:...
Testimony about Regaining Greek
Do you feel like you could never regain the Greek skills you had 25 years ago? You can! Be encouraged by this testimony by Greg Demme. https://vimeo.com/255583448
Pastor Mike McCune – Greek Testimony
Many of the Daily Dose subscribers recently celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday (in the United States). I want to thank God for pastors and other Christians who are faithfully reading the Greek New Testament. Today we’re posting a testimony from a pastor about how he...
Do I need to know Greek?
Honest Answers video Do I have to know Greek to truly understand the Bible or to get the most out of understanding the Bible? / What does the Greek text of the NT reveal that I can't see in the English?
In this brief video, Pastor Ryan Reynolds speaks about the value of knowing Greek in his local church ministry. Pastor Reynolds serves Redeemer Christian Fellowship Church in Roswell, New Mexico. https://vimeo.com/211184829
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