
Helping you read your way through the Greek New Testament in just 2 minutes per verse.

Why did this Greek verb change so much in spelling?

In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer explores how to answer morphological questions that arise as you read the Greek New Testament.

Wading into Classical Greek

So you’ve studied Koine Greek and now you want to wade backward (chronologically) into classical Greek?  In this weekend edition video, Dr. Plummer introduces you to just the resources you need. This video is a rerun.   YouTube...

Greek Refresher Course, July 24-28

Dr. Plummer stands in an empty classroom with a seat waiting for YOU! Join Dr. Plummer and. Dr. Howell (host of Daily Dose of Hebrew) for the biannual ‘Greek Review Course’ and ‘Hebrew Review Course.’ Only $75 for an in-person 5-day class! Sign up for the Review Class...

Whatever Happened to “Behold”? by Dr. Bill Mounce

Whatever Happened to “Behold”? by Dr. Bill Mounce In this weekend edition, we are rebroadcasting one of Bill Mounce’s “Bible Study Greek” videos – “Whatever Happened to ‘Behold’? For more of Bill’s excellent materials, see  ...

English Grammar for Greek Students

English Grammar for Greek Students In this weekend video, Dr. Plummer looks at resources to help Greek students understand English grammar better. He highlights A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar, by Robert Mondi and Peter L. Corrigan  ...

John 15:1-2 and Greek Morphology with Dr. Kaspars Ozolins

In today’s weekend video, Dr. Kaspars Ozolins looks at John 15:1-2 and some questions about Greek historical morphology. Dr. Ozolins is Research Associate in Old Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge   YouTube Video:  ...

Greek Laminated Charts

Greek Laminated Charts In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer discusses two sets of laminated Greek charts. They are: (1) Charts for Beginning Greek Grammar and Syntax: A Quick Reference Guide to Beginning with New Testament Greek, and (2) Charts for Intermediate Greek...

Interview about Pedagogy

Interview about Pedagogy In this video interview, John Hayward, Upper School Dean of Covenant Christian Academy in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, asks Dr. Plummer about pedagogical strategies that can help others teach more effectively.  ...

Did you learn beginning Greek with the 8-case system?

Did you learn beginning Greek with the 8-case system? In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer talks about Ray Summers’ classic beginning grammar (which uses the 8-case system), as well as New Testament Greek for Laymen, by Michael A. Merritt, available for FREE under the...

Free Graded Reader

Free Graded Reader In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer tells you how to download a free Christmas present – a graded reader of verses from the Greek New Testament. The featured verses only contain words that occur 50 times or more in the Greek New Testament. (Go to...

Zerwick’s Grammatical Analysis of the GNT

Long before the excellent EGGNT and Baylor Handbook series existed, there was the handy volume by Maximilian Zerwick, A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament.   YouTube Video:

The Vocative of γυνή

In this weekend edition, Allan T. Loder looks at inscriptional evidence to help us understand the potential nuances of the vocative form of γυνή (“woman”) in the Koine Greek period.   YouTube Video:  ...

What is Biblingo?

In this weekend edition, Jonathan Ahlgren provides a review of Biblingo. Jonathan Ahlgren is a Ph.D. student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.   YouTube Video:

Free Biblical Language Resources

In this weekend edition, we feature an overview video from Jonathan Ahlgren about free language learning resources including the Daily Dose websites and Aleph with Beth. Jonathan Ahlgren is a Ph.D. student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  ...

Cambridge Greek Lexicon

Cambridge Greek Lexicon Dr. Plummer has not been able to get his hands on the new Cambridge Greek Lexicon (available June 30 in USA), so this weekend edition directs viewers to the careful assessment of Dr. Dirk Jogkind of Tyndale House, Cambridge....

Biblical Words and Their Meaning, by Moisés Silva

In this weekend edition, we want to introduce you to a classic resource for understanding Greek words. For an intermediate-level student, there is no better entry to lexical semantics than Biblical Words and Their Meaning by Moisés Silva.

The Minister and His Greek New Testament

In this weekend edition, we want to encourage you in your love for reading the New Testament as it was written. One work that does just that is a classic and inspiring text on the joy and possibility of reading the New Testament in the original Greek, The Minister and...

Principal Parts of Every Verb in the GNT

Principal Parts of Every Verb in the GNT Over the weekend you may be thinking to yourself, "Is there a book that lists the principal parts of every verb in the Greek New Testament?"  Yes, yes there is! And fittingly, it is titled Greek Verbs in the New Testament and...

Lexicon Based on Everyday Papyri

Lexicon Based on Everyday Papyri Wouldn’t it be cool to have a Greek lexicon based on word usages in the everyday papyri?  There is, and it’s freely available in the public domain! Known as “Moulton and Milligan,” The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament is a fascinating...


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