Greek Resources

Helping you read your way through the Greek New Testament in just 2 minutes per verse.

English Grammar for Greek Students

English Grammar for Greek Students In this weekend video, Dr. Plummer looks at resources to help Greek students understand English grammar better. He highlights A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar, by Robert Mondi and Peter L. Corrigan  ...

The Lost Letters of Pergamum

The Lost Letters of Pergamum In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer discusses a pain-free way to learn about New Testament cultural and historical backgrounds—The Lost Letters of Pergamum: A Story from the New Testament World, by Bruce W. Longenecker.  ...

The Grace and Truth Study Bible

In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer talks about The Grace and Truth Study Bible, for which he wrote the study notes on the Epistle of James.   YouTube Video:

Didache 9:5

Didache 9:5   YouTube Video:

Didache 9:4

Didache 9:4   YouTube Video:

Didache 9:3

Didache 9:3   YouTube Video:

Didache 9:2

Didache 9:2   YouTube Video:

Didache 9:1

Didache 9:1   YouTube Video:

The Didache

In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer talks about The Didache, an early church instruction manual. This coming week’s daily videos will be from The Didache, providing a short break from the Gospel of John.   YouTube Video:  ...

John 15:1-2 and Greek Morphology with Dr. Kaspars Ozolins

In today’s weekend video, Dr. Kaspars Ozolins looks at John 15:1-2 and some questions about Greek historical morphology. Dr. Ozolins is Research Associate in Old Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge   YouTube Video:  ...

Chat with Dr. Plummer in California, June 14-15

Chat with Dr. Plummer in California, June 14-15 In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer invites you to visit with him at the Southern Seminary booth at the annual meeting of The Southern Baptist Convention in Anaheim, CA, June 14-15.

The Vaticanus Bible

The Vaticanus Bible In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer overviews The Vaticanus Bible. Produced by Benjamin Kantor (, these volumes are an affordable and handy way to approximate the ancient experience (early 4th century, A.D.) of reading the Greek New...

Daily Scriptures 365: Readings in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin

Daily Scriptures 365: Readings in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin In his own morning devotional time, Dr. Plummer has recently added a page from Daily Scriptures: 365 Readings in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. See this weekend edition for a bit more information about this...

Why do students give up on learning Greek?

In this weekend edition, New Zealander Darryl Burling of interviews Dr. Sam Lamerson and Dr. Rob Plummer on the question: “Why do students give up on learning Greek?”   YouTube Video:  ...

Greek Laminated Charts

Greek Laminated Charts In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer discusses two sets of laminated Greek charts. They are: (1) Charts for Beginning Greek Grammar and Syntax: A Quick Reference Guide to Beginning with New Testament Greek, and (2) Charts for Intermediate Greek...


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