Other Special Editions
Helping you read your way through the Greek New Testament in just 2 minutes per verse.
How should I respond when Christians are mocked in popular culture?
How should I respond when Christians are mocked in popular culture? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7QfgPCeYvI Vimeo Video: https://vimeo.com/1039122341?share=copy
Sermon Evaluation for Dr. Plummer’s Seminary Chapel Sermon
In yesterday's weekend edition, we posted a sermon recently preached in Southern Seminary’s chapel by Dr. Rob Plummer. Today, we provide this brief video of feedback/critique to Dr. Plummer from preaching consultant Dr. Scott Blue. If you are interested in talking...
“Your Work Matters to God,” a seminary chapel sermon by Dr. Rob Plummer
In today’s weekend edition, we have a sermon recently preached in Southern Seminary’s chapel by Dr. Rob Plummer. Also, we are linking this brief video providing feedback/critique to Dr. Plummer from preaching consultant Dr. Scott Blue. If you are interested in...
Honest Answers with Dr. Plummer: Should Rich Christians Downgrade Their Lifestyle
In today’s weekend edition, we are running a Southern Seminary “Honest Answers” video in which Dr. Plummer answers the question, “Should Rich Christians Downgrade Their Lifestyle?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEAzyaAv6kQ Vimeo Video:...
The Reliability of the Bible
The Reliability of the Bible A group in Texas recently asked Dr. Plummer to record a video about the reliability of the Bible for their online apologetics course. We are sending out that video as this weekend edition. https://youtu.be/NdbVrAonB9Y...
A Biblical Response to Poverty
In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer discusses a recent book that he edited, Rich in Good Deeds: A Biblical Response to Poverty by the Church and by Society. https://vimeo.com/743634809 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/BYIEoZE1cCM
A Critique of the Prosperity Gospel
In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer discusses a recent book he edited, Healthy and Wealthy? A Biblical-Theological Response to the Prosperity Gospel. https://vimeo.com/743636797 YouTube Video: ...
The Importance of Reading the NT in Greek, by Dr. Matt Sliger
In this weekend edition we hear from Dr. Matt Sliger on the importance of reading the New Testament in the original language. Dr. Sliger is Senior Pastor of South Woods Baptist Church, Memphis, TN, and Adjunct Greek Instructor at Bethlehem College and Seminary. ...
Moulton’s Poem
Moulton’s Poem In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer gives a brief biographical sketch of James Hope Moulton and reads a poem by Moulton that can serve as a prayer for Bible teachers as they enter the classroom. https://vimeo.com/684958412 YouTube Video: ...
English Grammar for Greek Students
English Grammar for Greek Students In this weekend video, Dr. Plummer looks at resources to help Greek students understand English grammar better. He highlights A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar, by Robert Mondi and Peter L. Corrigan ...
CNTR: The Center for New Testament Restoration
CNTR: The Center for New Testament Restoration Alan Bunning, founder and executive director of The Center for New Testament Restoration, is passionate about transcribing the earliest NT manuscripts and distributing that data in a clear, searchable format. In this...
Held in Honor Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past
Held in Honor: Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past In this weekend edition (with Valentine’s Day coming up!), Dr. Plummer shares about the marriage devotional he co-authored, Held in Honor: Wisdom for Your Marriage from Voices of the Past. ...
The Goal of Interpretation
The Goal of Interpretation In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer chats with Brent Karding of Biblearc.com about the text of Romans 14:20-23. In our modern-day context, how do we apply Paul’s instructions? https://vimeo.com/604076812 YouTube Video: ...
More Greek, Not Less
More Greek, Not Less In this short video, Dr. Plummer shares why today’s ministry students need “more Greek, not less” in their educational programs. https://vimeo.com/476504541 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/JdyXsrvzuaU
Greek and Hebrew Testimonials
Greek and Hebrew Testimonials This weekend edition was originally created for financial donors to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The 10-minute video has testimonials from alumni to help seminary supporters understand the importance of biblical languages in...
Free Graded Reader
Free Graded Reader In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer tells you how to download a free Christmas present – a graded reader of verses from the Greek New Testament. The featured verses only contain words that occur 50 times or more in the Greek New Testament. (Go to...
Daily Portion of German and LatinPerDiem
Daily Portion of German and LatinPerDiem Though it is unaffiliated with the Daily Dose ministry, we would like to make you aware of a similar free screencast for German entitled Daily Portion of German, by the Erasmus Academy. Also, Dr. Plummer mentions the Latin...
40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible
40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible Though most Daily Dose subscribers know Dr. Plummer as a promoter of Biblical languages, his most widely read and translated book is actually about biblical interpretation—40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible. A...
Zerwick’s Grammatical Analysis of the GNT
Long before the excellent EGGNT and Baylor Handbook series existed, there was the handy volume by Maximilian Zerwick, A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament. https://vimeo.com/544985727 YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/Gi64XoOgtTg
The Faith & Work Project
The Faith & Work Project Dr. Plummer loves to read Greek grammars. He also enjoys reading The Wall Street Journal and serves as Director of The Faith & Work Project at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer shares a bit...
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