It’s our tradition at the Daily Dose to start each semester by returning to the Greek Alphabet. Sing the Greek Alphabet to yourself. Teach someone else to sing it. As the Fall semester begins, hundreds of new students are learning the Greek alphabet for the first...
It’s our tradition at the Daily Dose to start each semester by returning to the Greek Alphabet. Sing the Greek Alphabet to yourself. Teach someone else to sing it. As the Fall 2023 semester begins, hundreds of new students are learning the Greek alphabet for the first...
For our weekend edition, enjoy this Mnemonic Song! Lyrics by Prof. Christina Sweeting at Colorado Christian University, Music and Vocals by Jeff Hurtgen YouTube Video: ...
In this weekend edition, we are reposting two of our favorite memory devices – creative stories to remember the endings for the Present M/P Indicative and Imperfect M/P Indicative. YouTube Videos: ...
English Grammar for Greek Students In this weekend video, Dr. Plummer looks at resources to help Greek students understand English grammar better. He highlights A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar, by Robert Mondi and Peter L. Corrigan ...
Greek Laminated Charts In this weekend edition, Dr. Plummer discusses two sets of laminated Greek charts. They are: (1) Charts for Beginning Greek Grammar and Syntax: A Quick Reference Guide to Beginning with New Testament Greek, and (2) Charts for Intermediate Greek...